healing through wholeness…
wholeness through healing
through wholeness…
wholeness through

Welcome. I’m grateful you’re here. You found your way to this page for a reason — it wasn’t by chance. Whether we meet for a single session or multiple sessions, you feeling truly seen, heard, and safe is fundamental to our connection, relationship, and to the healing work we do together.

Welcome. I’m grateful you’re here. You found your way to this page for a reason — it wasn’t by chance. Whether we meet for a single session or multiple sessions, you feeling truly seen, heard, and safe is fundamental to our connection, relationship, and to the healing work we do together.

As human beings we share the common experiences of
hurt, betrayal, loneliness, rage, joy, gratitude, and much more.

One of us is not above or below the other, we are all united in this shared experience of life. All that you are experiencing that brought you here is real and valid and there is a reason for your pain and suffering. I have been there too and have come out the other side. I walk alongside many others who have at some point felt there was no hope for them to deeply heal and be free from the past. Yet now they are living fully and thriving in joy, peace, and abundance.

Healing and feeling whole is possible and it is an honor to be in this sacred journey with you.

Healing Intensive Retreats 

Each intensive will be tailored to individual needs with multiple layers of sessions integrated through a collaborative healing approach. A negotiated healing package of services and total cost will be discussed and agreed upon in advance. This package entails intense work over an extended weekend or up to two weeks. Please contact me for more information.

She is an experienced guide who offers insight,
direction, and above all – hope.

The search for (personal growth, joy, meaning, etc) can sometimes feel like bivouacking in a dark, dense forest all alone. It is frustrating, slow, and scary work to move through the tangles of our own experiences and we can stay in that forest for years searching for a way out. Meeting with Kristina is like coming to a light-filled clearing in the middle of the forest. She is an experienced guide who offers insight, direction, and above all – hope. She helped me find a path out of the forest and I’m certain she can help you too.

After months of feeling stuck and struggling to understand an intense emotional reaction I kept having, I met with Kristina. It was the best decision I made. We spoke briefly and she assigned me a meditation exercise to do over a few weeks. Next, she met with me in person for 90 minutes to review my results and do a bodywork session in her beautiful, lake-side yurt. Her thoughtful assignment, combined with our insightful conversation and the gentle body session got me unstuck! She helped me to see both the multi-generational baggage I was carrying around and how my own fears were contributing to my problem. Once I put down that baggage and acknowledged my fears, the emotional reactivity stopped.  I feel much lighter and healthier now and I have Kristina to thank for this. 

Sometimes we just need an experienced guide to help us navigate through difficult times. 

J. Y., Massachusetts, USA

Working with Kristina remotely is like being in the same room with her.

I started working with Kristina Lea after reading the book she co-authored with Heather Ensworth From Trauma to Freedom. As a practicing Depth Psychologist, I am well aware of the limitations that talk therapies have when facing deeper preverbal traumas. I knew I had to get to the somatic/energetic roots of my own preverbal traumas when the collective trauma of 2020 kicked it all up in my face again. 

Working with Kristina remotely is like being in the same room with her. She is amazingly gifted at finding the energetic knots and helping me to understand and work with the images, sensations, and memories that are released during her energy work. And more importantly, helping me back to a new equilibrium of silent joy and peace.

I have worked with Reiki Masters and Shamans in the past, but the powerful combination of parts work and energy work that Kristina performs is dynamic and progressive. And best of all it works. I can’t recommend Kristina’s healing work enough.

B. H., Arizona, USA

I have felt mega-watt shifts by releasing deep-seated trauma and emotions.

I’ve known I needed help however I’ve always ended up cycling around in the same patterns that have lead to the same dead-end fixes and results. PsychoTherapists, energy work from Polarity to Reiki, I’ve tried it and more. And then the Universe intervened and sent Kristina Lea to me and her fabulous book, “Trauma to Freedom”. Through in-person work with Kristina and utilizing her book on my own time, I have felt mega-watt shifts by releasing deep-seated trauma and emotions. Patterns long held are breaking. The extra weight I’ve been carrying as protection is falling away. Looking forward to living connected to my true self. Thank you, Kristina Lea. You are a gift!

L. R., Massachusetts, USA

Just being in Kristina’s presence is healing.

Kristina has been instrumental in helping to set me free from lifelong patterns shaped by trauma, shame, self-betrayal, and being invisible. The depth and focus of her work and the manner she holds the space for healing truly provides a conduit for Grace. Whether working with me in person or remotely, the alchemy of Kristina healing practice encompassing her innate soul gifts, unconditional acceptance, soul-sight, and someone who has done their own healing and gritty inner work — has been transformational. Just being in Kristina’s presence is healing. My healing journey has also benefited profoundly from Kristina’s unique and sacred way of working with Heather Ensworth. Kristina and Heather have been like mystical, loving parents, helping me to find my way home.  Thanks to them I am home and will never have to leave again . . . no matter where I might be or go.

L.T., Bangkok, Thailand

She heals on the emotional and spiritual levels…

I have known Kristina for over 15 years, and I continue to be in awe of her intuitive and healing gifts. I gave Kristina her attunements to Reiki, but she rapidly surpassed this single modality. She is more of a natural shaman than a simple energy healer. Her intuitive readings — sometimes literal and sometimes symbolic — are profound and trustworthy. She heals on the emotional and spiritual levels, and the body often responds by healing physically when the underlying issues are removed.

J. W., Certified Energy Health Practitioner, USA

She listened deeply and taught me how to listen to myself…

Finding Kristina was like finding the doctor that finally figured out what was wrong when no one else could. I’ve worked with therapists, hired life coaches, read more self-help books, and made more vision boards than just about anyone out there, but it wasn’t until working with Kristina that I actually got to the bottom of my persistent restlessness, dissatisfaction, and sadness. She’s amazing at what she does (better than anyone I’ve ever found) because she did the work on herself first, a guide on a path she already walked. She listened deeply and taught me how to listen to myself. She cheered me on but also called me out when she had to. She used modalities I’d never heard of before and sometimes asked me to do things I didn’t fully understand. I trusted the “woo woo” because it worked! And amidst it all (and this was really important for me) Kristina was normal! No guru-vibe or overblown ego. She’s down to earth. Sometimes we laughed and I always felt she genuinely cared for me, even at times more than I knew how to care for myself! After working with Kristina I can honestly say I’ve never felt so solidly myself, so sure of who I am and where I am going. She showed me who I was in all of my woundedness and all of my potential. She has helped me heal and now to thrive. I am deeply and forever grateful!

D. K., Rhode Island, USA

Understand the connection between my mind, body, and spirit…

When conventional medicine says you have an incurable disease, it just means THEY can’t cure you. Working with Kristina helped me understand the connection between my mind, body, and spirit. Her treatments helped my body work out the toxicity of chemotherapy; her wisdom helped me connect with long-held grief and better manage life’s disappointments. I was finally able to see how to work through them. The sessions with Kristina were varied. She has developed numerous modalities and uses her intuition to determine what you need most. Don’t wait until you are in crisis mode! You are curable now. Remain open, and let Kristina guide you into balance.

G. R., Massachusetts, USA

After seven sessions, my back was healed.

I have suffered with back problems related to herniated discs for almost 20 years. I sought Kristina out for treatments after I had an MRI done, and my doctor told me the only option was back surgery. After seven sessions, my back was healed. I went off all my prescription pain medication and haven’t needed any further follow up treatment of any kind. That was nine months ago. The results were simply amazing. All that I can say is, it works.

G. E., New York, USA

Introduced me to hidden parts of myself ready for healing…

I’ve worked with Kristina for about three years. While conventional talk therapy helped, working with Kristina has brought about lasting healing. Her empathy, warmth, and guiding conversations introduced me to hidden parts of myself ready for healing. The energetic healing modalities she periodically used were explained with highlights of potential outcomes.  I ALWAYS  felt emotionally lighter, heard, and understood. Working with her makes my life’s journey authentic; clearing out unhealthy patterns and beliefs. The cleared debris is a release of what no longer serves me. Making space for a life that is aligned with my true self!

J. F., Plum Island, MA, USA

To hold space for my magnificence which she does with authentic joy…

Kristina is a gift to this world. I personally am a healer and have a difficult time finding other healers who have done their work enough to be able to support me without trying to manipulate or dominate me. Kristina is a breath of fresh air. She is extremely talented at her trade and has truly done her own personal work. I never feel minimized, gaslighted, or hesitant to share my wins. As much as I go to her to work on where I’m feeling stuck (and she definitely unsticks me!) I also work on my next level with her so she needs to be able to hold space for my magnificence which she does with authentic joy. There are a lot of unhealed healers in this world if you are lucky enough to have found Kristina, book now and know that you have embarked on a beautiful journey of healing.

L. L., Massachusetts, USA

Given me the freedom I have long desired in my life…

I don’t even know quite how to put into words the dramatic positive changes and improvements I have felt in my life since I began sessions with Kristina this past year.

All of my physical pain has resolved. This ranged from a sore arthritic thumb, high arches in both feet (yes, she has actually improved my arches), shoulder and neck pain, as well as, hip issues that I have had for over 5 years. The hip is still so incredible to me. I have been to doctors and been told that my hip was full of arthritis. This limited my range of motion and some of my daily activities and caused pain especially at night while I slept. I am now pain-free and my range of motion has improved so much that I am able to hold yoga poses that I had long given up. I feel like working with Kristina has given me my physical body back to feeling much younger and energetic, but the work that has happened on a more emotional and spiritual level is what I am most grateful for!

We have done a lot of energetic work to release past trauma from my body and energy field. In doing this work I have never felt happier, more present, or positive in my life. I have dealt with anxiety and bouts of depression over the years and through our work, I have been off anti-depressants for 5 months and my anxiety has gratefully improved.

Over the last few months I have been dealing with a major life stressor (my husband leaving me) and I am still able to be okay — remaining centered, present for my 3 boys, and have the ability to remain positive (most of the time) during this period of chaos and uncertainty as well as during a pandemic and homeschooling!

I honestly attribute my feeling so well in all aspects of my life to all of the work we have done. I am so thankful to Kristina for her wealth of knowledge in her field and our sessions together that have truly changed me and given me the freedom I have long desired in my life. I now feel like I am finally living my truth and excited for life and the future whatever that may hold.

D. D., Massachusetts, USA

She is an experienced guide who offers insight, direction, and above all – hope.

The search for (personal growth, joy, meaning, etc) can sometimes feel like bivouacking in a dark, dense forest all alone. It is frustrating, slow, and scary work to move through the tangles of our own experiences and we can stay in that forest for years searching for a way out. Meeting with Kristina is like coming to a light-filled clearing in the middle of the forest. She is an experienced guide who offers insight, direction, and above all – hope. She helped me find a path out of the forest and I’m certain she can help you too.

After months of feeling stuck and struggling to understand an intense emotional reaction I kept having, I met with Kristina. It was the best decision I made. We spoke briefly and she assigned me a meditation exercise to do over a few weeks. Next, she met with me in person for 90 minutes to review my results and do a bodywork session in her beautiful, lake-side yurt. Her thoughtful assignment, combined with our insightful conversation and the gentle body session got me unstuck! She helped me to see both the multi-generational baggage I was carrying around and how my own fears were contributing to my problem. Once I put down that baggage and acknowledged my fears, the emotional reactivity stopped.  I feel much lighter and healthier now and I have Kristina to thank for this. 

Sometimes we just need an experienced guide to help us navigate through difficult times. 

J. Y., Massachusetts, USA

Working with Kristina remotely is like being in the same room with her.

I started working with Kristina Lea after reading the book she co-authored with Heather Ensworth From Trauma to Freedom. As a practicing Depth Psychologist, I am well aware of the limitations that talk therapies have when facing deeper preverbal traumas. I knew I had to get to the somatic/energetic roots of my own preverbal traumas when the collective trauma of 2020 kicked it all up in my face again. 

Working with Kristina remotely is like being in the same room with her. She is amazingly gifted at finding the energetic knots and helping me to understand and work with the images, sensations, and memories that are released during her energy work. And more importantly, helping me back to a new equilibrium of silent joy and peace.

I have worked with Reiki Masters and Shamans in the past, but the powerful combination of parts work and energy work that Kristina performs is dynamic and progressive. And best of all it works. I can’t recommend Kristina’s healing work enough.

B. H., Arizona, USA

I have felt mega-watt shifts by releasing deep-seated trauma and emotions.

I’ve known I needed help however I’ve always ended up cycling around in the same patterns that have lead to the same dead-end fixes and results. PsychoTherapists, energy work from Polarity to Reiki, I’ve tried it and more. And then the Universe intervened and sent Kristina Lea to me and her fabulous book, “Trauma to Freedom”. Through in-person work with Kristina and utilizing her book on my own time, I have felt mega-watt shifts by releasing deep-seated trauma and emotions. Patterns long held are breaking. The extra weight I’ve been carrying as protection is falling away. Looking forward to living connected to my true self. Thank you, Kristina Lea. You are a gift!

L. R., Massachusetts, USA

Just being in Kristina’s presence is healing.

Kristina has been instrumental in helping to set me free from lifelong patterns shaped by trauma, shame, self-betrayal, and being invisible. The depth and focus of her work and the manner she holds the space for healing truly provides a conduit for Grace. Whether working with me in person or remotely, the alchemy of Kristina healing practice encompassing her innate soul gifts, unconditional acceptance, soul-sight, and someone who has done their own healing and gritty inner work — has been transformational. Just being in Kristina’s presence is healing. My healing journey has also benefited profoundly from Kristina’s unique and sacred way of working with Heather Ensworth. Kristina and Heather have been like mystical, loving parents, helping me to find my way home.  Thanks to them I am home and will never have to leave again . . . no matter where I might be or go.

L.T., Bangkok, Thailand

She heals on the emotional and spiritual levels…

I have known Kristina for over 15 years, and I continue to be in awe of her intuitive and healing gifts. I gave Kristina her attunements to Reiki, but she rapidly surpassed this single modality. She is more of a natural shaman than a simple energy healer. Her intuitive readings — sometimes literal and sometimes symbolic — are profound and trustworthy. She heals on the emotional and spiritual levels, and the body often responds by healing physically when the underlying issues are removed.

J. W., Certified Energy Health Practitioner, USA

She listened deeply and taught me how to listen to myself…

Finding Kristina was like finding the doctor that finally figured out what was wrong when no one else could. I’ve worked with therapists, hired life coaches, read more self-help books, and made more vision boards than just about anyone out there, but it wasn’t until working with Kristina that I actually got to the bottom of my persistent restlessness, dissatisfaction, and sadness. She’s amazing at what she does (better than anyone I’ve ever found) because she did the work on herself first, a guide on a path she already walked. She listened deeply and taught me how to listen to myself. She cheered me on but also called me out when she had to. She used modalities I’d never heard of before and sometimes asked me to do things I didn’t fully understand. I trusted the “woo woo” because it worked! And amidst it all (and this was really important for me) Kristina was normal! No guru-vibe or overblown ego. She’s down to earth. Sometimes we laughed and I always felt she genuinely cared for me, even at times more than I knew how to care for myself! After working with Kristina I can honestly say I’ve never felt so solidly myself, so sure of who I am and where I am going. She showed me who I was in all of my woundedness and all of my potential. She has helped me heal and now to thrive. I am deeply and forever grateful!

D. K., Rhode Island, USA

Understand the connection between my mind, body, and spirit…

When conventional medicine says you have an incurable disease, it just means THEY can’t cure you. Working with Kristina helped me understand the connection between my mind, body, and spirit. Her treatments helped my body work out the toxicity of chemotherapy; her wisdom helped me connect with long-held grief and better manage life’s disappointments. I was finally able to see how to work through them. The sessions with Kristina were varied. She has developed numerous modalities and uses her intuition to determine what you need most. Don’t wait until you are in crisis mode! You are curable now. Remain open, and let Kristina guide you into balance.

G. R., Massachusetts, USA

After seven sessions, my back was healed.

I have suffered with back problems related to herniated discs for almost 20 years. I sought Kristina out for treatments after I had an MRI done, and my doctor told me the only option was back surgery. After seven sessions, my back was healed. I went off all my prescription pain medication and haven’t needed any further follow up treatment of any kind. That was nine months ago. The results were simply amazing. All that I can say is, it works.

G. E., New York, USA

Introduced me to hidden parts of myself ready for healing…

I’ve worked with Kristina for about three years. While conventional talk therapy helped, working with Kristina has brought about lasting healing. Her empathy, warmth, and guiding conversations introduced me to hidden parts of myself ready for healing. The energetic healing modalities she periodically used were explained with highlights of potential outcomes.  I ALWAYS  felt emotionally lighter, heard, and understood. Working with her makes my life’s journey authentic; clearing out unhealthy patterns and beliefs. The cleared debris is a release of what no longer serves me. Making space for a life that is aligned with my true self!

J. F., Plum Island, MA, USA

To hold space for my magnificence which she does with authentic joy…

Kristina is a gift to this world. I personally am a healer and have a difficult time finding other healers who have done their work enough to be able to support me without trying to manipulate or dominate me. Kristina is a breath of fresh air. She is extremely talented at her trade and has truly done her own personal work. I never feel minimized, gaslighted, or hesitant to share my wins. As much as I go to her to work on where I’m feeling stuck (and she definitely unsticks me!) I also work on my next level with her so she needs to be able to hold space for my magnificence which she does with authentic joy. There are a lot of unhealed healers in this world if you are lucky enough to have found Kristina, book now and know that you have embarked on a beautiful journey of healing.

L. L., Massachusetts, USA

Given me the freedom I have long desired in my life…

I don’t even know quite how to put into words the dramatic positive changes and improvements I have felt in my life since I began sessions with Kristina this past year.

All of my physical pain has resolved. This ranged from a sore arthritic thumb, high arches in both feet (yes, she has actually improved my arches), shoulder and neck pain, as well as, hip issues that I have had for over 5 years. The hip is still so incredible to me. I have been to doctors and been told that my hip was full of arthritis. This limited my range of motion and some of my daily activities and caused pain especially at night while I slept. I am now pain-free and my range of motion has improved so much that I am able to hold yoga poses that I had long given up. I feel like working with Kristina has given me my physical body back to feeling much younger and energetic, but the work that has happened on a more emotional and spiritual level is what I am most grateful for!

We have done a lot of energetic work to release past trauma from my body and energy field. In doing this work I have never felt happier, more present, or positive in my life. I have dealt with anxiety and bouts of depression over the years and through our work, I have been off anti-depressants for 5 months and my anxiety has gratefully improved.

Over the last few months I have been dealing with a major life stressor (my husband leaving me) and I am still able to be okay — remaining centered, present for my 3 boys, and have the ability to remain positive (most of the time) during this period of chaos and uncertainty as well as during a pandemic and homeschooling!

I honestly attribute my feeling so well in all aspects of my life to all of the work we have done. I am so thankful to Kristina for her wealth of knowledge in her field and our sessions together that have truly changed me and given me the freedom I have long desired in my life. I now feel like I am finally living my truth and excited for life and the future whatever that may hold.

D. D., Massachusetts, USA


Freedom from Trauma is an innovative holistic guide to help you heal from trauma and support you in moving into the wholeness and fullness of who you are. In this book, Kristina Lea and Heather Ensworth, Ph.D. have combined their personal and professional experiences (of over 50 years) to share their ever-deepening understanding of the process of healing. They present an approach that is called the ARCH model that consists of four primary components for the recovery from trauma:

  • Alignment: Connecting with inner stillness and aligning with your true self
  • Relationship: How to find and develop healing relationships in your life
  • Consciousness: Bringing into awareness the hidden and lost aspects of yourself
  • Healing: Practical ways to heal on all levels and how to integrate a new sense of self

This model includes many aspects of psychological approaches to trauma therapy such as the importance of a healing relationship, as well as how to increase emotional self-regulation and how to work on the developmental impacts of trauma. It also incorporates ways to regain a strong sense of self and heal patterns in relationships.


Freedom from Trauma is an innovative holistic guide to help you heal from trauma and support you in moving into the wholeness and fullness of who you are. In this book, Kristina Lea and Heather Ensworth, Ph.D. have combined their personal and professional experiences (of over 50 years) to share their ever-deepening understanding of the process of healing. They present an approach that is called the ARCH model that consists of four primary components for the recovery from trauma:

  • Alignment: Connecting with inner stillness and aligning with your true self
  • Relationship: How to find and develop healing relationships in your life
  • Consciousness: Bringing into awareness the hidden and lost aspects of yourself
  • Healing: Practical ways to heal on all levels and how to integrate a new sense of self

This model includes many aspects of psychological approaches to trauma therapy such as the importance of a healing relationship, as well as how to increase emotional self-regulation and how to work on the developmental impacts of trauma. It also incorporates ways to regain a strong sense of self and heal patterns in relationships.